Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've realized two things as of recently: #1) I haven't blogged about Desmond since he was born and #2) Des has a ton of video clips that have gone unseen because I never blog! So, before I riddle this post with video clips, here's an update on our little boy:
He had his 9-month check up earlier this week and he's now 23 lbs and 28 inches! He has 8 teeth, is getting better at walking while holding onto furniture or a wall, and loves to crawl down the hallway and into his sister's room when she's supposed to be in bed. He has a special connection with his grandma, and he has my deepest appreciation for being able to sit quietly in a shopping cart for almost an hour :)

This was one of the first videos we got of him giggling/grunting (yep, he's a grunter). You can hear Aislin in the background, too, who clearly didn't know Daddy was just tickling her brother hehe!

Grunt grunt!

Okay, this is kind of mean hehe...but it's so FUNNY!! He loves being bounced and leaning back as far as he can while being carried...but he does not like being thrown in the air!

This one's just cute!

Okay, this one's kinda mean, too :P

Last but not least--my favorite Des video :)