Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sweet Family Update

Since Tim and I are horrible at tracking my pregnancies, I thought I might as well post pics that others have taken of me!
In this one, I'm 21-weeks along. We went down to Kent to celebrate my parents' 29th anniversary, and my dad snapped this one of Tim and me before we all went out to dinner :)

This next one is more recent, taken at a Relief Society dinner just last week. The dinner was in celebration of marriage and family, so our hubbies were invited :) I was 26-weeks.

Our baby boy is very active and I've been feeling Braxton Hicks contractions since yesterday morning--and for the first time! With my first pregnancy, the only contractions I was ever aware of came hours before delivery and they were in my lower back...so when I felt BH contractions while still in bed yesterday, I thought maybe he was just kicking really hard. He was certainly moving more than usual so I couldn't really separate the two sensations, but one felt more like I was being poked from the outside instead of from the inside. It feels...weird and kinda hurts! Just one more trimester to go (although this pregnancy flew by anyway)!

In other news, Tim started a new job at Microsoft last week. After the hooplah with the job in Anacortes, he worked for a tiny local company that was trying to merge with another local company. While the former was so tiny that he and his boss were the only ones that were part of it, the latter was trying to survive an embezzlement issue. Things were not working out. Not only did they need Tim to help them take on their enormous work load, which had him working over 40 hrs/wk without overtime pay, his boss was a horrible manager who couldn't balance his books. He was days late in getting Tim his paycheck, and when he got the new job and tried to give his 2-weeks notice, his boss had to end his employment that same day because he couldn't even afford to pay him for his last five days. Instead, he let him keep his work phone, another cell phone and a server.

The new job, however, is one that Tim loves. It pays well (including overtime), offers health benefits and doesn't have him working with dusty computers at random businesses, like dog grooming places. The only downside is that it's in Redmond and his job doesn't really follow a 9-5 schedule. His schedule really depends on his workload and, although the extra pay from his overtime hours is awesome, it kind of sucks not knowing when he'll be home or if Aislin will get to see him before she goes to bed.

Of course the obvious solution is to move closer to his job, but we just moved here, we just got church callings, we've made friends and have even memorized street names! Usually we don't mind picking up and leaving, but we've never had to pick up and leave so soon...and we're so tired of having to start over again in a new area and a new ward.

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention moving in your last trimester absolutely sucks! Well I'm glad the new job is going much better than the last. Aren't BH Contractions fun? I had them with both pregnancies from about 21 weeks on. Cute pics. Keep us updated!
