Yesterday we went to a park down the street from our house...where Aislin was offered her first ride in a boy's car. She knew she was getting in without my consent, so what did she do? She looked back at me and grinned her face off ;) I can only hope this moment isn't repeated twelve years from now!
I will say that the boy was a good driver, maneuvering the car under the big toy without a scratch...but this still didn't impress a certain father when I sent him this pic :P
Today Tim took the kids to a story time event at Barnes and Noble. (Where was I, you ask? I was eating brunch, then taking a shower...after rubbing my swollen feet and ankles.) The kids enjoyed it and Des made a friend who had an equal love of toy trains. I'd say their dad had fun, too, since they came home with a new Sandra Boynton book and a kit for making super huge bubbles! They came home about an hour ago...and have been outside ever since :)
Chasing after a bubble in full-force!
Aislin's turn!
This is a lot better than the ones I attempted. In Aislin's words, "Mommy's not good at this."
Good thing no one got my picture ;)
awesome you guys have your own websit
Thanks! We've had this blog since Aislin was born, so it's already 4 years old!! Love your profile pic, by the way ;)