Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Happy SURPRISE Birthday, Mom and Dad!!

It took a month of careful planning and several "we'll smooth out the white lies later" exchanges between my brother and me, but we managed to surprise my parents on May 24th, just a couple days after their birthdays. This video says it all :)

Long story short - Tim bought me a plane ticket for my birthday (which was on May 27th), I decided to take Lincoln with me since he's under 2-years-old and still flies free, we made plans with our babysitter to have her watch the big kids for a couple days, and AJ and I agreed to keep all of this a secret from my parents, and even our closest friends. Why not let our friends in on it, though? This video explains everything ;) ...Sorry, Debbie!!

My vacation lasted until the 29th, and during that time I got to...

...spend time with these wonderful people!
...finally meet my bro's girlfriend, Debbie!

...visit my alma mater (or, as AJ put it, my Hogwarts)!

...and eat something I haven't had in the year I've lived in Arizona - Almond Fried Chicken.
We may not have planned financially for my surprise birthday trip, AJ and I may have had to tell a few white lies, and the plane ride to and from Seattle with a screaming 1-year-old may have been less than pleasant...but it was all worth it, mainly for this:

Happy birthday, Mom and Dad! We love you XOXO

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