Friday, January 29, 2010

Aislin's First Haircut

Yup, we finally cut her hair last night! Cutting her bangs when she was about 10-months-old was absolutely necessary so we never counted it as a haircut, but we weren't in a rush to cut the rest. Her hair was long enough to tie into a ponytail so we thought we could just let it grow out...but lately, looking for ponytail holders--especially before eating--has been a pain in the butt.
So last night, I just went ahead and cut her hair to her shoulders :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's a Boy!!

I wonder if my OB will give me another ultrasound next week just to see for himself, since he had supposed (at 16 weeks) that it was a girl! It was just too early and, according to the technician we saw today, girl and boy parts tend to look the same at that stage.
So, quick side note: I strongly dislike having to drink 16 ounces of water an hour before the appointment, having to wait 20 minutes to be called in, and then having to wait through 10 minutes of measurement-taking whilst my bladder gets squished by that ultrasound-belly instrument. But of course, I was glad to know that all the measurements got a thumbs-up, the baby's spine looks good, and all is normal with him and me :)
We waited through all the measurements before finding out the sex because the baby wasn't in the right position to check the kidneys and genitals, even after I had finally emptied my bladder. I laid back down after coming back from the bathroom and the technician said, "Well, that didn't change anything... You have a stubborn one," to which Tim promptly replied, "Like his daddy!" (Jeeze, already taking after his dad....) But it didn't take him long to find the kidneys, and then the boy parts.
Before he said anything, I really wasn't expecting to hear anything new. I was ready for him to say it was a girl, but when he said, "It looks like you're going to have...a boy!" we flipped. We both looked at each other and started laughing--you know, that shocked/excited laughter that really doesn't sound like your everyday laugh? That was us--giddy and ecstatic all the way back to the car :P
No wonder the girl names we both liked never felt right...