Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Absolute Silliness

We were bored! We were in the cafeteria at Valley Med (in August, a few days after Aislin was born) when I took this with my phone. We had just gotten Aislin's blood drawn and were waiting for her doctor's appointment. It had been a long day, a long week, and we were very tired...and as we all know, exhaustion leads to goofiness.

Conversations with Daddy

Aislin has regular conversations with her dad, many of which sound like this...

She's 12-weeks-old now :)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cutie Pie

Here's Aislin showing off her gums!

Playing with her daddy :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Laughs

As the sacrament was passed out at church today, everyone in the front of the room noticed a wasp flying around. Since it happened in the middle of a reverent ceremony, no one really spoke...but you couldn't help watching heads turn and eyes move in the same direction.
After a boy in the front row killed the wasp, the bishop turned to one of his counselors and said, "It's better that one die than all of us perish!"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Milestone

I know I'm a little late with taking pictures but better late than never! Aislin first started pushing herself up with her arms a few weeks ago, after we had moved into our townhome. I laid her down in her crib for a nap but she woke up, fussed, and then tried to do what looked like a push-up, but with her forearms. I think she was around 7-weeks-old old at the time.

I took these pictures today... She's 11-weeks-old :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

High-Speed Internet

We love it.

We stopped watching cable before we left Kent, even though we had it, and watched stuff through Netflix or online instead...but that left us wondering, Why are we paying for it?? We're smarter now ;) I don't know what it is about cable that makes it so hard to give up, but when we moved to Quincy we decided to not even bother with it. We decided internet was more important and worthy of our monthly payments. And it's perfect for selective viewers like us.

Although we may be a week behind, we've been able to watch the shows we're actually interested in without having to suffer through everything that's lame. So we've been enjoying shows like Fringe, Heroes, 30 Rock, the Office, Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles, etc.

Why do I feel the need to write about it? Because I'm just so darn thankful! It's made nursing sessions and walking in place to put Aislin to sleep a lot more bearable :)


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Toothy Grins

Tim's friends, Justin and Jenny, came over last weekend and the three of them carved pumpkins.

Tim's goofy pumpkin...

...Justin's spooky pumpkin (which, I think, is winking)...

...and Jenny's really goofy-looking pumpkin.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Story of the Week

Tim, Aislin and I were at the local grocery store and had just reached the checkout lane when the cashier looked at me and said, "You had your baby!"
I stared at her blankly, thinking, "Well, yeah," but knew I needed to say something like, "You have me confused with someone else." So, in other words, I just stared back at her.
Finally Tim chimed in and explained how we're new in town and that we had our baby back in Seattle. So she apologized and said, "You look like this other couple--the husband's white and the wife is also Mexican."

I'd say 2, maybe 3 years and the whole town will know that Aislin is 1/2 Filipino :P

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy Baby

Here are some pictures of our little girl since we've been in Quincy. She's between 6- and 8-weeks-old in these :D

Click to play Aislin

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