Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday, Desmond Jay Sweet!

(May 31)
Thank you, Des, for blessing us with your quietness and your surprising remarks. Your honesty is both humbling and humorous, and your subtle wit always makes us laugh. You are definitely a middle child - with your moodiness and quirks - but we're proud of you for always being yourself, knowing what you like and don't like, and never being afraid to do your own thing. 

We love you, little boy!

Happy SURPRISE Birthday, Mom and Dad!!

It took a month of careful planning and several "we'll smooth out the white lies later" exchanges between my brother and me, but we managed to surprise my parents on May 24th, just a couple days after their birthdays. This video says it all :)

Long story short - Tim bought me a plane ticket for my birthday (which was on May 27th), I decided to take Lincoln with me since he's under 2-years-old and still flies free, we made plans with our babysitter to have her watch the big kids for a couple days, and AJ and I agreed to keep all of this a secret from my parents, and even our closest friends. Why not let our friends in on it, though? This video explains everything ;) ...Sorry, Debbie!!

My vacation lasted until the 29th, and during that time I got to...

...spend time with these wonderful people!
...finally meet my bro's girlfriend, Debbie!

...visit my alma mater (or, as AJ put it, my Hogwarts)!

...and eat something I haven't had in the year I've lived in Arizona - Almond Fried Chicken.
We may not have planned financially for my surprise birthday trip, AJ and I may have had to tell a few white lies, and the plane ride to and from Seattle with a screaming 1-year-old may have been less than pleasant...but it was all worth it, mainly for this:

Happy birthday, Mom and Dad! We love you XOXO