Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Happy Halloween...Clothes!

I never buy seasonal clothes. I figure, if my kids can't wear long-sleeved Halloween clothes when it's still cold in April...or May through July...then we're not buying them! But this year, upon seeing a sign that read "40% off" above a rack of toddler Halloween clothes, I decided to give in. And I'll admit, I've always wanted Halloween clothes growing up and I wanted them for my kids since they were babies...so dressing my kids in their adorable skeleton clothes brought as much joy to my heart as it did theirs :)

And yes, I'm fully aware of how weird my son is :D

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lovely Day for a Picnic

...at the Seattle Temple :)

Before we left the house, I talked to the kids about where we were going and how we behave at the temple. I figured, since today was our "scripture study" day on our home preschool schedule, we ought to have the lesson before heading to the temple. So we talked about Joseph Smith and the first vision from Book of Mormon Stories, and then Aislin said a prayer for us to be safe on the road and for her and her brother to be well-behaved. (Can you tell there's been some fighting among the siblings lately?)

And then we were off!

It was the perfect day to eat outside, but only because we were sitting next to the fountain and it totally kept us cool :)

The kids loved it. I think it was the first time they had been at the temple together. They were happy and very well-behaved :) They were in such a great spirits that they agreed to pose for a ton of pictures!

Among my favorites:


Thank you, little ones, for a fun afternoon. I'm glad we could go to the temple together and enjoy the grounds, and I'm glad you recognized the beauty and special-ness of the place. You understood me when I said, "You can really feel the Spirit here, huh?" And I know this because of the look on your faces and how you didn't want to leave. 
I love you, Mom