Saturday, March 31, 2012

September to March

So much happens in six months!

In September I got a job...and in March, I left it. I worked at a child care center where the kids were also enrolled, and I was the assistant teacher in the infant room.
I was happy and it was a good experience for the kids and me.

Aislin in her preschool classroom
Des in his toddler classroom
(Perhaps not his best pic hehe... I think he had just woken up from a nap!)

But after six months I had learned something about myself: I really wanted to teach, not just care for. Although I'm a total advocate for infant curriculum and believing in their potential to learn, I wanted to do more. Even before I had made the decision to leave my job--before I had gotten burned out, before my concerns for what my son was and wasn't learning and what kind of crazy kids my daughter was being exposed to had started to eat away at me--I had started looking at ads for preschool teaching positions.
In the end, it wasn't as beneficial for the three of us to be at the Center as it had been when we first started in we left, and continued our preschool lessons at home!
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