Thursday, October 16, 2008

High-Speed Internet

We love it.

We stopped watching cable before we left Kent, even though we had it, and watched stuff through Netflix or online instead...but that left us wondering, Why are we paying for it?? We're smarter now ;) I don't know what it is about cable that makes it so hard to give up, but when we moved to Quincy we decided to not even bother with it. We decided internet was more important and worthy of our monthly payments. And it's perfect for selective viewers like us.

Although we may be a week behind, we've been able to watch the shows we're actually interested in without having to suffer through everything that's lame. So we've been enjoying shows like Fringe, Heroes, 30 Rock, the Office, Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles, etc.

Why do I feel the need to write about it? Because I'm just so darn thankful! It's made nursing sessions and walking in place to put Aislin to sleep a lot more bearable :)


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