Saturday, September 7, 2013

All Settled In

From a boxes-unpacked-and-pictures-on-the-walls perspective, we've been settled in for a while now...but from a broader perspective, you'd know we're settled in because a) Tim and I both got callings at church, and b) we've committed to a few new projects.

I think Tim may have beat our ward's record for shortest calling when he was sustained as a ward missionary before being released - two days later - and called as Elder's Quorum First Counselor! He would have been a fantastic ward missionary, but his current calling seems...right :) He may have felt a little nervous or even confused as we left the Stake President's office, but I know that with his willingness to serve and help others, he'll do a wonderful job :)
I've been called as a Cub Scout Den Leader for the Bears. I know - whoa! I was a deer in headlights in my first couple of weeks, but thankfully I work with a sister who has years of experience and volumes of scouting knowledge. I may have been a little nervous at first, and felt out of place at the first few meetings, but now that summer's over and den meetings have started up again, I've been able to get to know my own den and steadily know the pack. Every week has been a fun experience, and this week was my first time to lead an activity. It went well, and I was grateful for that time getting to know the boys :)

As for those new projects I mentioned...they include me joining a gym and hiring a personal trainer, Tim buying a weight-lifting set and starting a powerlifting regimen, Tim starting his own business called Ornery Development, and me joining the PTO at Aislin's school, volunteering as a Parent Helper in her classroom, and taking violin lessons (again).

We're definitely settled in, and busy!

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